More About Us. We have been in the business of buying and selling toys and movie posters since 1975. We pride ourselves on being fair and honest and we strive to provide the highest quality collectibles available. We try to grade all items very strictly, so our customers are usually very satisfied when their package arrives. In 25 years, we've had very few returns. However, if you are unhappy with your order, we will gladly refund your money, or do what is necessary to make things right. We never want anyone dissatisfied with our service. Feel free to check our feedbacks on eBay (eBay link) to see how we treat our customers. Our overall customer satisfaction rate is over 99.9%.
Brian Moran
P.O. Box 196215
Winter Springs, FL 32719
Ordering Information
Please read this page before ordering
If you'd like to place an order by phone, please make note of the names and prices of the items in which you are interested. Call Brian at (407) 699-4891 -- the best time to reach me is between 9:00 PM and 11:00 PM, Eastern Standard Time. If you'd prefer to place an order via email, you can reach us at: toysandposters@cfl.rr.com
List the names and prices of the items you are interested in buying. We will contact you by email (or phone if you prefer) to verify your order and give you your total owed. In either case, we will hold items for 10 days, in order to give you plenty of time to send payment. If you need more time to pay, we'll be happy to work out some sort of payment schedule. We are usually very flexible.
Domestic Shipping and Handling
Overseas Shipping and Handling
Returns and Items Damaged in Transit
Grades of Condition (I'd advise contacting us for details on posters rated below VG):
Near Mint (Unused condition, with little or no wear.)
Excellent (Clean and bright with little visible wear ... may have a few minor pinholes or tiny nicks.)
Very Good (Average used condition. Slightly more wear than excellent, especially along the edges, but artwork is fine -- with no major flaws.)
Good (Still presentable, but a well-used poster with noticeable flaws, including: creases, edge wear, extra folds, border tears, etc. Generally, the image areas will still look pretty good and the poster will look fine hanging on the wall. Restoration help quite a bit with the appearance.)
Fair (Heavy wear and various flaws. Definitely in need of restoration, but it may do until a better example comes along.)
Poor (Severe problems and countless flaws. May be usable for a floor mat, or to make paper airplanes.)
If you receive any item and are unhappy with its condition, you have a return privilege of seven days. However, you must contact us first before returning any items.
Onesheet (OS): 27"x 41" vertical-format poster printed on thin paper. Vintage onesheets are almost always folded -- with one vertical fold and three horizontal fold lines.
Halfsheet (HS): 22"x 28" horizontal-format poster printed on thicker paper. Vintage halfsheets originally came rolled, but they were usually folded by theater owners, before being returned to the poster exchanges. If folded -- they will usually have one vertical fold and one horizontal line.
Insert (IN): 14"x 36" vertical -format poster printed on thicker paper. Vintage inserts originally came rolled, but they were usually folded by theater owners, before being returned to the poster exchanges. If folded -- they will usually have three horizontal fold lines.
Window Card (WC): 14"x 22" poster printed on thicker paper. These posters usually came flat, but were sometimes folded by theater owners, before being returned to the poster exchanges. If folded -- they will usually have one horizontal fold line. There is a 4 or 5 inch blank strip along the top of the card, where theater info could be displayed. If the poster was used, and information is written in, this strip is sometimes trimmed off by collectors -- hurting the value of the poster.
Threesheet (3S): 41"x81" poster printed on thin paper. Three sheets usually came in 2 or 3 sections, and had to be assembled by theater owners before use. Vintage 3-sheets are almost always folded.
Sixsheet (6S): 81"x81" poster printed on thin paper. Six sheets usually came in 4 or 6 sections, and had to be assembled by theater owners before use. Vintage 6-sheets are almost always folded.
Lobby Cards (LC): 11"x 14" poster printed on heavy stock paper. Lobby cards are almost always flat and unfolded. These popular movie posters usually came in sets of 8 different scenes, but a few low-budget films had only 4 card sets. The cards usually featured colorful border art, but the main portion of the card features an actual image/scene from the film. The border art is the same on all cards of the set, only the main scene is different. Some (but not all) lobby card sets featured a title card as the first card of the set. (See below for more information on title cards.)
Movie Stills or Movie Photos: Usually 8"x 10" photos printed on glossy, photographic paper. However, sizes can vary. Many stills can be 7"x9" or smaller, and there are even an occasional 11"x14" movie still. Many movie photos/stills have white borders around the outside edges, but some have no borders. Many stills (but not all) have the original snipes still pasted on the back sides. Snipes are papers which contain information about the film, the stars or the scene pictured on the photo. Many stills (but not all) have studio, or photographer information stamped on the back side. Photos came in three main varieties: 1. Movie stills -- picturing actual scenes that appear in the film. 2. Studio shots -- picturing posed portraits of the stars. 3. Candid shots -- picturing behind the scenes images of the movie stars. Some studio shots are promoting the star, rather than a specific film.
Prices for lobby cards and movie stills may vary within the same film. Lobby cards and film photos that feature great shots of the stars, will sell for substantially more money then cards/photos from the same film that picture crowd shots, or poor images.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via phone -- (407) 699-4891 -- best between between 9:00 PM and 11:00 PM, Eastern Standard Time ..... or via e-mail. Click here to send us an email message.
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